T. Ogita: (Plenary lecture) Verified Solutions of Sparse Linear Systems, The 15th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Verified Numerical Computations, Novosibirsk, Russia (2012/9/26). スライド [PDF]
T. Ogita: (Invited talk) Fast and Accurate Computation of Sum and Dot Product, Dagstuhl Seminar 05391: Algebraic and Numerical Algorithms and Computer-assisted Proofs, Dagstuhl, Germany (2005/9/25-30). スライド [PDF]
Takeshi Ogita, Kensuke Aishima:
Iterative refinement for symmetric eigenvalue decomposition / II: clustered eigenvalues,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 35:3 (2018), 1007-1035 / 36:2 (2019), 435-459.
Takeshi Ogita:
Accurate matrix factorization: Inverse LU and inverse QR factorizations,
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 31:5 (2010), 2477-2497.
Takeshi Ogita, Siegfried M. Rump, Shin'ichi Oishi:
Accurate sum and dot product,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 26:6 (2005), 1955-1988.
Takeshi Ogita, Shin'ichi Oishi, Yasunori Ushiro:
Fast verification of solutions for sparse monotone matrix equations,
Computing, Supplement 15 (2001), 175-187.
(Topics in Numerical Analysis: With Special Emphasis on Nonlinear Problems, G. Alefeld and X. Chen eds., Springer WienNewYork, Austria)
[Research Poster Award] 2021年6月28日, ISC High Performance 2021 Digital [D. Mukunoki, K. Ozaki, T. Ogita, T. Imamura: Accurate Matrix Multiplication on Binary128 Using Ozaki Scheme]
[日本応用数理学会 論文賞(JJIAM部門) (2020年度)] 2020年9月9日 [T. Ogita, K. Aishima: Iterative refinement for symmetric eigenvalue decomposition, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 35, Issue 3 (2018), pp.1007-1035.]
[Best Poster Award] 2019年9月25日, Russian Supercomputing Days 2019 [D. Mukunoki, T. Ogita, K. Ozaki: Accurate and Reproducible Linear Algebra Operations for Many-core Architectures]
[東京女子大学 エクセレント・ファカルティ] 2018年12月19日
[日本応用数理学会 会長特別表彰] 2018年6月29日
[日本応用数理学会 論文賞 (2017年度)] 2017年9月7日 [Y. Kobayashi, T. Ogita: A fast and efficient algorithm for solving ill-conditioned linear systems, JSIAM Letters, 7 (2015), 1-4.]
[NOLTA Best Paper Award 2012] October 26, 2012, IEICE Engineering Sciences Society [S. M. Rump, T. Ogita, S. Oishi: Fast High Precision Summation, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, 1:1 (2010), 2-24.]
[Scilab Toolbox Japan Contest 2010 最優秀賞(一般カテゴリ)] 2010年9月, 荻田 武史(共同開発者: 山中 脩也他): 作品名「VTOOLS (Verification Toolbox for Scilab)」.
[日本応用数理学会 論文賞 (2006年度)] 2006年9月 [太田 貴久, 荻田 武史, S. M. Rump, 大石 進一: 悪条件連立一次方程式の精度保証付き数値計算法, 日本応用数理学会論文誌, 15:3 (2005), 269-287.]
[早稲田大学 小野梓記念学術賞 (2002年度)] 2003年3月 [T. Ogita: Fast and Accurate Computation of Scalar Product by the Available Floating Point Arithmetic(浮動小数点演算による内積の高速な高精度計算)]
2015: NOLTA 2015 Technical Program Committee Member
2012, 2013, 2014: Guest Editor, Journal "Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE": Special Section on Recent Progress in Verified Numerical Computations
2014.6-2015.6: Program Committee Member, The 22nd IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 22)
2013-2014: Secretary, Journal "Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE": Special Section on Nonlinear Electronics: Phenomena, Models and Computational Methods
2010: Guest Associate Editor, Journal "Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE": Special section on Recent Progress in Verified Numerical Computations